Basic terms and Definitions

The word ‘Automation’ is derived from Greek words “Auto” (self) and “Matos” (moving). Automation therefore is the mechanism for systems that “move by it-self”. However, apart from this original sense of the word, automated systems also achieve significantly superior performance than what is possible with manual systems, in terms of power, precision and speed of operation.
Definition: Automation is a set of technologies that results in operation of machines and systems without significant human intervention and achieves performance superior to manual operation.

Industry :- In a general sense the term “Industry” is defined as follows.
Definition: Systematic Economic Activity that could be related to Manufacture/Service/ Trade.
Control :- It is perhaps correct to expect that the learner for this course has already been exposed to a course on Control Systems, which is typically introduced in the final or pre-final year of an undergraduate course in Engineering in India. The word control is therefore expected to be familiar and defined as under.
Definition: Control is a set of technologies that achieves desired patterns of variations of operational parameters and sequences for machines and systems by providing the input signals necessary

Open and closed loop:-  All the elements constituting the measurement and control of a single variable are called a control loop. Control that uses a measured signal, feeds the signal back and compares it to a set point, calculates and sends a return signal to make a correction, is called closed loop control. If the controller does not incorporate feedback to make a correction then it is open loop. Timers and sequence controllers using logic, such as those on an elevator, are open loop.

Feedback control :- Feedback control is accomplished with a controller. To function properly, a controller must provide correction in a manner that maintains stability. The theoretical basis of feedback control is control theory, which also covers servomechanisms, which are often part of an automated system.
Maintaining stability is a principal objective of control theory. Stability means that the system should not oscillate excessively around the set point or get into a situation where it shuts down or runs away.
As an example of feedback control, consider a steam coil air heater in which a temperature sensor measures the temperature of the heated air, which is the measured variable. This signal is constantly "fed back" to the controller, which compares it to the desired setting (set point). The controller calculates the difference (error), then calculates a correction and sends the correction signal to adjust the air pressure to a diaphragm that moves a positioner on the steam valve, opening or closing it by the calculated amount.
The complexities of this are that the quantities involved are all of different physical types; the temperature sensor signal may be electrical or pressure from an enclosed fluid, the controller may employ pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical or electronic techniques to sense the error and send a signal to adjust the air pressure that moves the valve.

The first controllers used analog methods to perform their calculations. Analog methods were also used in solving differential equations of control theory. The electronic analog computer was developed to solve control type problems and electronic analog controllers were also developed. Analog computers were displaced by digital computers when they became widely available. Common applications of feedback control are control of temperature, pressure, flow, and speed.

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